Skeptics in the Pub, Oxford

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Oxford Skeptics in the Pub events podcast

Thinking and drinking. That is the unlikely goal of our meeting. Each month we invite a speaker to talk about an area of belief and to invite critical debate. We encourage skeptical thought and we enjoy challenging discussions.

Andrew Steele, 9 Jan 2013


							 Andrew Steele, 9 Jan 2013
The Scienceogram: Why more spending on science makes sense

Cancer kills almost a third of us, and yet we spend just £10 per person per year looking for a cure—and it's by far the best-funded medical condition. Our investment in science is woefully small compared to the scale of the problems it's trying to solve. Dr Andrew Steele (physicist, optimist and FameLab UK winner) explains why our miniscule spending on science doesn't make sense, and why it's vital that we make science funding a political issue.

A 15-minute video of the talk from TEDxHull is available here.



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